Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government



First State Bank of Uvalde Bank Officers


   President & CEO

  Chad Stary
Chad D. Stary
President & CEO

Executive Vice President

Raul Rivas
Raul Rivas
Executive Vice President
Chief Operating Officer

Bryan Herndon
Executive Vice President
Commercial Lending Officer

Roxanne-website June 2021
Roxanne Hernandez
Executive Vice President
Director of Retail Operations


Mallory Taylor
Executive Vice President
Chief Financial Officer


 Senior Vice President

Bryon Borchers
Senior Vice President
Commercial Loan Officer

Brandi C-VP pic-March 2021
Brandi Cabralez
Senior Vice President
Trust Operations Manager

Jeffrey K. Freels
Senior Vice President
Commercial Loan Officer

Patti Kruciak
Senior Vice President
Director of Human Resources

Sonja Ruiz
Senior Vice President
Audit & Compliance Officer

Cody Smith
Cody Smith
Senior Vice President
Community Development Officer

Vice President

Frank Aguilar
Vice President
Sr. Consumer Lender
Chris Caldwell
Vice President
Commercial Lending Officer
Ramon R. Castro Jr.
Vice President
Mortgage Loan Officer

Danene Cook
Vice President
HR & Payroll

1 - DanielF
Daniel Fierro
Vice President
Credit Risk Manager

Briana Garcia
Vice President
Commercial Loan Manager

Derik officer pic
Derik Jennings
Vice President
IT Director/Physical Security Officer

Tony Martinez
Vice President
BSA/Fraud Department

Emilio Navarro
Vice President
Consumer Lending/Branch Operations Manager

Jesse Rodriguez
Vice President
Commercial Lender 

Maria Vasquez
Vice President
Retail Operations Manager

Kelsey West
Vice President
Director of Loan Operations

Monica Yanez
Vice President


Assistant Vice President

Faye Ansley
Assistant Vice President
IT Specialist 2


Randy Gargotta
Assistant Vice President
IT Assistant Manager

Elizabeth Landry
Assistant Vice President
Compliance Internal Auditor


Chance Neutze
Assistant Vice President
Director of Marketing & Business Development


 Branch Managers

Cyndi Machuca
Sabinal Branch
Lender & Banking Officer

Brianna Taylor
Assistant Vice President
Camp Wood & Concan
Branch Manager/Lender

Laura Rogers
Vice President
Carrizo Springs Branch Manager/Lender
Audrey Garza
East Main Branch Manager &  Banking Officer
Lendon Palmer
Leakey Branch Manager


Belinda Arreola - Assistant Trust Officer, Trust Dept., Main Bank
Martha Edwards - Lobby Manager, Camp Wood
Daniel Flores - Lobby Manager, East Main
Audrey Garza - Branch Manager, East Main
Dora Garza - Lending Assistant, Carrizo Springs Branch
Monica Gonzales - Executive Assistant, Main Bank
Veronica Gonzalez - Lobby Manager, Carrizo Springs Branch
Yolanda M. Jaime - Consumer Lender Assistant-Carrizo Springs Branch
Elizabeth Martinez - Sr Staff Accountant - Main Bank
Cindy Moore - Lobby Manager, Sabinal Branch
Jesse Morales - Consumer Lender, East Main Branch
Shane Wernette - Ag Lending Liaison, Main Bank



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