Labor Day Parade in Uvalde
"Deep in the Heart of Uvalde Texas" at the First State Bank of Uvalde Labor Day Parade!! Thank you to all who came out to wave and to Sacred Heart Cheer for joining in on the fun!!
Congratulations to Mr. Roy Kothmann on his retirement from First State Bank of Uvalde.
After 37 years and 10 months of dedicated service to First State Bank of Uvalde.... It is bitter sweet to send off the Man, the Myth, the Legend, that is Mr. Roy Kothmann! Thank you and Congratulations on your well deserved retirement!! We're happy for you but are sure going to miss you! It's not "Goodbye"...it's "See You Later"!

Congratulations to our Sabinal Branch for winning Business of the month!
Join us in celebrating
Chad Stary with First State Bank of Uvalde for receiving the 2024 Chairman of the Board Award!
We are pleased to recognize and honor his exceptional contributions to the banking industry at our upcoming Annual Convention. Congratulations,
Mr. Chad Stary!
Join us in celebrating Brandi Cabralez with First State Bank of Uvalde for receiving the 2024 Emerging Leader Award!
We are pleased to recognize and honor her exceptional contributions to the banking industry at our upcoming Annual Convention. Congratulations, Brandi!
Congratulations to First State Bank of Uvalde for receiving the 2024 LiFE Award!
We look forward to celebrating the bank's commitment to promoting financial literacy within its community during TBA's 139th Annual Convention.
Pictured L-R:
Derik Jennings - Vice President - IT Manager & Physical Security Officer
Sonja L. Ruiz, CCBCO Vice President & Audit/Compliance Manager
Tony Martinez, CAMS, CBAP Vice President - BSA & Fraud

ECLIPSE 2024 !!!
Thank you Uvalde! We LOVE our Customers and our Community!!!
Uvalde Area Aggie Scholarship Golf Tournament
It was a beautiful day for golf @uvaldememorialgolf!⛳️��️♀️��️Thanks to all who came out and helped, played or donated-we are grateful! Click the pics below to see the winning teams, including closest-to the-hole and longest drive contests. ���� We hope you’ll join us again next October!
FSB AG Luncheon
A huge Thank you for all that came out for the FSBUvalde Agricultural Appreciation Luncheon. We were thrilled to see all of our favorite Ag friends and customers!!!����������... especially one in particular "Don't cha know"
Carrizo Springs Cyber & Fraud Presentation
Thank you Carrizo Springs, TX for coming out to our Cyber Security and Fraud Prevention presentation!! Stay tuned for our next one at a FSBUvalde Branch near you!
Palomino Fest Parade!
Cyber Security & Fraud Prevention Presentation!
Thank you Utopia, TX for coming out to our Cyber Security and Fraud Prevention presentation!! Stay tuned for our next one at a FSBUvalde Branch near you!
Let us help you build your credit with a Savings or CD Secured Loan!
1. Open a Savings Account or CD & deposit funds. 2. Speak to one of our lenders at any of our branch locations to open a loan for that same amount. 3. Make timely monthly payments. 4. Sit back as your money works for you!
Camp Wood at the Old Settlers Reunion!
Had a blast in Camp Wood at the Old Settlers Reunion! Always a pleasure to support such an awesome event in one of our favorite towns!
Need a loan for your Dream Home?
Click Here to Apply!
New Team Announcement!
Cyber Security & Fraud Prevention Presentation!
Thank you to all who came out to the FSBUvalde Camp Wood Branch Cyber Security and Fraud presentation! Stay tuned for one coming to your area!
Happy 4th of July!
First State Bank of Uvalde would like to wish each and every one of you a Happy Independence Day!! Hope you have a great 4th, had a festive fun weekend and we'll see you on Wednesday! And Super Excited to Announce that our Leakey Branch won Business of the year!!

Always a Blessing to be a part of this event! HOTT Days
Cyndi Pink!
Briscoe Red is our color, but today our FSB Corporate color is PINK! Our Cindy Flores Machuca Rang the Bell �� and is now cancer free!! Your Faith, Fight, and Victory while keeping the greatest attitude is truly an inspiration to us all! We love and could not be more proud of our #CancerWarrior !!!!

Fall has Arrived!
There are so many beautiful trees around this time of year... at First State Bank of Uvalde Leakey, ours is "no assembly required"!! Next time you're in Leakey, stop by, get a picture and be sure to tag us!
Grand Opening!
First State Bank held the Grand Opening for the new Main Street Branch location on Friday April 29th. Thank you to the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce, Uvalde County Judge Bill Mitchell, State Representative Tracy O. King, Rev. Eduardo Morales, FSB employees and all who came out for the ribbon cutting. “The Best is yet to come!”

FSB CPR & Medical Training
First State Bank of Uvalde employees participated in American Heart Association certified training for First Aid/CPR/AED instructed by Ms. Rebecca Perez. Our employees enjoyed an afternoon of gaining knowledge and skills to help our customers or fellow coworkers in emergency situations. Training consisted of not only minor first aid and CPR, but also on Automated External Defibrillators devices that have been installed at the bank.
Jesse Rodriguez, Emilio Navarro, Raul Rivas, Rebecca Perez Safety Compliance Specialist with Unifirst, Ashley Garcia, Rudy Gomez, Danene Cook, Cody Smith, Susan Stewart, Roxanne Hernandez.
Qualifications : First Aid, CPR and AED through the American Heart Association.

FSB Cyber Awareness Presentation
First State Bank of Uvalde would like to thank Mrs. Sue Schwencke-Rankin at the Herby Ham Activity Center, for allowing us to give our Fraud and Scam Prevention information session. Presenters were Tony Martinez, BSA Officer, and Derik Jennings, IT Manager. The presentation provided information and tips over internet security, basic email phishing awareness, and elder fraud cases and types.

FSB Employee of the Month
First State Bank of Uvalde would like to recognize Monica Gonzales as our July Employee of the Month. Monica is the Executive Assistant to the President & CEO, Chad D. Stary. We are excited to recognize her hard work and dedication to customer service!
4 Square Friday Back to School Stuff the Bus Event 2021
First State Bank of Uvalde recently participated in 4 Square Fridays Back to School Stuff the Bus Event in Downtown Uvalde in conjunction with Uvalde's Chamber of Commerce first ever corn hole competition. Local participants entered our drawing for FSB backpacks filled with back to school goodies, and also enjoyed some delicious popcorn and drinks. We appreciate everyone who came out to support this event!
Pictured left to right: Ashley Garcia-Branch Manager, Lender-Banking Officer (East Main), Monica Gonzales-Executive Assistant to President & CEO, Chance Neutze-Director of Marketing & Business Development-AVP, Danene Cook-HR/Payroll & Facilities Manager-VP, and Roxanne Hernandez-Retail Operations Manager-SVP.

Sabinal Youth Rodeo Club Awards
First State Bank was a proud sponsor for 2 buckle awards for the Sabinal Youth Rodeo Club award ceremony held August 5th. Congratulations to winners Tinsley Upchurch (1st place 8-10 age group, Straight Away Barrels) and Cooper Wernette (1st place 11-14 age group, Heeling.) Both winners are pictured with FSBU employee Shane Wernette.
Old Settlers Reunion Parade 2021
First State Bank of Uvalde participated in the 60th Annual Old Settlers Reunion Parade in Camp Wood. Our bank won 1st place for our float theme "Pioneers in Banking". We appreciate everyone who came out to support our wonderful organization and show their community spirit! Pictured from left to right: Chance Neutze-AVP/Director of Marketing, Business Development, Culture & Brand, Evelyn Carey, Laura Ramirez, Marketing Admin Assistant, Cody Smith-SVP/Relationship Manager, Charlotte Carey, Phillip Carey-VP/Commercial Lending Officer, James Carey, Carol Finley-Personal Banker (Camp Wood branch), Wade Miller, Holly Miller-Teller (Camp Wood branch)
Corporate Cup 2021
Fun was had by all this past weekend at the very first Uvalde Corporate Cup. Some of the best times are had as a company when we are together out supporting the community. It was an honor to be one of the first teams to participate and we can't wait to participate next year. Thank you Skyway Entertainment and Hangar 6 for a great event.
Uvalde Youth Rodeo 2021
Rebecca Cox from Cuero, Texas won the All-Around Cowgirl title in the 11-13 age group and the First State Bank of Uvalde Saddle at the 58th Annual Summer Rodeo presented by the Uvalde Youth Rodeo Club. She is pictured here with Phillip Carey, Laura Ramirez and Shane Wernette representing First State Bank. Congratulations on her amazing accomplishment!
Longtime Employee of First State Bank retires
William I. "Bill" Dillard, SVP and Director of Legacy retired after 39 years of dedicated service to First State Bank of Uvalde. We would like to congratulate him on his retirement and loyal service to our Bank. Mr. Dillard will join the Board of Directors for First State Bank in August.
Texas Bankers Association Texas Tour 2021
TBA CEO Chris Furlow presented Bill Dillard with a TBA Resolution for his 39 years in Banking.
Uvalde County River Clean Up 2021
First State Bank of Uvalde recently participated in the Uvalde County River Clean Up on the Frio River. Volunteers gathered a total of 52 bags of trash. Funds raised were donated to Anderson House in Uvalde. Thank you to Andy's on the Frio River for their donation of shuttle buses and tubes, and Neals for the the wonderful dinner following the cleanup!
Pictured in photo #1 left to right: Roxanne Hernandez, Belinda Arreola, Leanne Ruble, Ashley Garcia, Caden Smith, Maria Vasquez, Cody Smith Brianna Taylor, Madison Luce, Ian Wiekamp, Hartley Wiekamp and Joey Wiekamp. Pictured in photo #2 left to right: Bill Dillard, Joey Wiekamp, Cody Smith, Caden Smith; front row: Angel Rodriguez, Madison Luce, Ian Wiekamp, Hartley Wiekamp, Mary Rodriguez, Melina Rodriguez, Ashley Garica, Maria Vasquez, Leanne Ruble, Belinda Arreola, Danene Cook and Roxanne Hernandez.

Longtime Employee of First State Bank retires
Edie Collier, Vice President/CD & IRA Dept has retired after 23 years of dedicated service to First State Bank of Uvalde. We would like to congratulate Edie on her retirement and her years of dedication and customer service to the Main Bank in Uvalde. We wish her all the best on her new journey.
FSB Employee of the Month
First State Bank of Uvalde would like to recognize Johanna Zamora as our June Employee of the Month. She works as a CD/IRA Representative in our Account Service Department. We are excited to recognize her hard work and dedication to customer service!
July Jubilee Parade 2021
First State Bank of Uvalde participated in the Fourth of July Jubilee Parade in Leakey. Our bank float won 3rd place in the Commercial division. We appreciate everyone who came out to support our wonderful organization. and show their patriotic spirit! Pictured from left to right, back row: VJ McElroy-SVP/Commercial Loan Officer, Cody Smith-SVP/Relationship Manager, Chad Stary-President/CEO, Front Row: Carol Finley-Personal Banker, Laura Ramirez-Marketing Admin Asst, Sandy Lynam-Branch Manager(Leakey), Heather Cangemi-Lobby Manager, Lisa Salazar-Personal Banker, Leanne Ruble-Branch Liason-Banking Officer, Ashley Garcia-Branch Manager, Lending-Banking Officer, Amber Cangemi-New Account Analyst.
Stuff the Bus 2021
First State Bank again joined Uvalde CISD this year with their Annual Stuff the Bus 2021 campaign. Every year the school district works with local businesses and individuals to provide needed school supplies for children in need. Pictured from left to right: Anne Marie Espinoza-Director of Communications and Marketing (Uvalde CISD), Roxanne Hernandez-SVP/Retail Operations Manager, Cody Smith-SVP/Relationship Manager, Chad Stary-President/CEO, Ramon Castro- VP/Consumer Lending Manager, Nichole Henderson-UCISD Lead Family-Student Support Counselor, Dr. Hal Harrell-Superintendent Uvalde CISD, Laura Ramirez-Marketing Administrative Assistant
HOTT Days 2021
First State Bank of Uvalde participated in the 8th Annual HOTT (Helping Out The Town) Days event at the Uvalde County Fairplex. We provided and served dinner for 120 kids from churches in the surrounding area. We are so honored to be apart of this event every year. A big Thank You to our wonderful FSB volunteers! Pictured from left to right, back row: Danene Cook, Todd Redfearn, Patti Kruciak, Cyndi Machuca, April Reyes, Cody Smith, Ramon Castro, Crystal Dow, William McElroy, VJ McElroy, Phillip Carey, Bill Dillard. Front Row: Maribel Garcia, Roxanne Hernandez, Maria Vasquez, Belinda Arreola, Claudia Acevedo, Sonja Ruiz, Ramon Castro Jr, Elizabeth Landry, Laura Ramirez, Shelly Walker, Ashley Rodriguez.
Longtime Employee of First State Bank retires
Debra Hicks, Camp Wood Manager has retired after 38 years of dedicated service to First State Bank of Uvalde. We would like to congratulate Debra on her retirement and her years of dedication and customer service to the Camp Wood area. We wish her all the best on her new journey.
FSB Employee of the Month
First State Bank would like to recognize Katherine Torres as our May Employee of the Month. She works as an Account Service Representative in our Account Services Department. We are excited to recognize her hard work and dedication to customer service!
First State Bank Scholarships Recipients
Southwest Texas Junior College President Dr. Hector Gonzales recently announced First State Bank's Scholarship recipients for the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters. They are Ashley Garcia and Nataly Santos (pictured here). Miss Garcia was awarded the FSB Governor Dolph Briscoe Scholarship and Miss Santos received the FSB John Nance Garner Memorial Scholarship. First State Bank provides both scholarships annually to area students wishing to attend Southwest Texas Junior College. Pictured with the students are Dr. Gonzales (left) and Bank President & CEO Chad Stary (right).
FSB Financial Literacy Essay Contest 2021
President and CEO Chad Stary recently recognized the winners of our 4th Annual Financial Literacy Essay Contest. Three Students, grades 6th-9th were awarded at our Main Bank. Kylen was awarded the 1st place prize. We congratulate him for all his hard work.
Kylen Essay
2021 Graduates
First State Bank recently honored the 2021 graduates at two of our branches. The Carrizo Springs branch recognized Gyselle J. Guajardo (daughter of Veronica Gonzalez) pictured left to right: Yolanda Jaime, Laura Rogers, Gyselle J. Guajardo, Veronica Gonzalez and Dora Garza. At our Main Branch President and CEO Chad Stary recognized our graduates for their accomplishments. Pictured from left to right: Chad Stary, Victoria Garcia, Katelyn Nevarez, Julianna Gutierrez, Christopher Hernandez. (Not pictured: David Garcia, Javier Gonzales, Layne Hicks, Madison Fields, Landry Porter). We are so proud of what they have achieved and we wish them luck in the future ahead!

4th Annual Smoke in the Canyon 2021 BBQ Cook Off
Congrats to our FSB team who won 2nd place in Bloody Mary's and 3rd place in beans. We appreciate their teamwork and support for the bank as one of the sponsors in the event. (Pictured from left to right: Shaniece Hohman, Amber Cangemi, Nathan Maples, Cory Maples, Heather Cangemi, Chante Burns (w/Real Co. Jr. Horse club) and Lendon Palmer.

FSB Employee of the Month
First State Bank would like to recognize Rudy Gomez as our April FSB Employee of the Month. He works as a IT Support Specialist in our IT Department. We are excited to recognize his hard work and dedication to customer service!
Herby Ham Center First State Bank of Uvalde donation
Chad Stary, President and CEO of First State Bank and Bill Dillard, Senior Vice President present Herby Ham Center Director Sue Rankin with a Howa 6.5 Creedmoor Hunting Rifle with a Niko Scope. A special drawing will be issued a ticket. The person whose name is drawn will be awarded the gun, a case and a box shells. All donations benefit the activities of the Herby Ham Center.
Uvalde Memorial Hospital's 11th Annual Wellness Run
On May 12th 2021, two of our FSB Employees participated in Uvalde Memorial Hospital's 11th Annual Wellness Run. Pictured (from right to left) are Brianna Taylor (Camp Wood Branch) 2nd Place, Hanna Case (Main Bank Branch) 3rd place and Lynne Dodd' 1st place in the Women's 5K age 30-39 group. Congratulations to these ladies for their participation in this community event.
Saving Lives
Recently First State Bank hosted the South Texas Blood and Tissue Mobile Unit. The blood drive, coordinated by FSB Human Resources Director Patti Kruciak, netted 26 pints of much needed blood to save lives in our part of the state. Pictured with her are blood donor and Bank President/CEO Chad Stary and hematologist Courtney Arsuga.
Fallen Officers Memorial Scholarship
Middle Rio Grande Law Enforcement Academy Cadet Gerardo Apolinar was one of two young men to receive the First State Bank sponsored "Fallen Officers Memorial Scholarship" from Bank President and CEO Chad Stary, at the awards presentation this year, at Southwest Texas Junior College. Not pictured was Cadet Julian Almaguer, who was unable to attend due to a family emergency. At the ceremony, three additional cadets were awarded scholarships from the American Legion Post 26. They are Claudio Pope, Tomas Rivera, and Brian Zavala.
True Champions
First State Bank's Shane Wernette and golf team mates Michael Hillis, Kerry Ondervick, and Max Wilson took first place honors recently in the Uvalde Classical Academy Annual Golf Tournament. In addition, to each getting a customized Yeti Travel Cup the team collected the $1,200. cash prize, which they donated back to the school.
Sabinal Score Board
First State Bank sponsored a new digital scoreboard for Sabinal Independent School District’s Gymnasium. Pictured are (left to right) Coach Jeff Kowalski, Coach GG Beza, and representing First State Bank: Sabinal Branch Manager Sophie Campos, Bill Dillard and Bank President and CEO Chad Stary, and Sabinal ISD coaches David Navarro, and Rodger Clark.

FSB Employee Receives College Degree
FSB Vice President Ramon R. Castro, Jr. received his bachelors degree from Sul Ross State University recently. Because of state concerns regarding the COVID-19 Virus, colleges and universities are having to make adjustments to the traditional cap and gown ceremonies. Castro became the first known Bank employee to receive his diploma in the Board Room of First State Bank.

Carrizo Springs ATM
First State Bank of Uvalde held a ribbon cutting for our new Carrizo Springs ATM location. All were honored to have local American Legion and VFW veterans start the ceremony with a Flag raising and the Pledge of Allegiance.
First State Bank of Uvalde installed our Flag pole on the grounds of the new ATM location in Carrizo Springs. We look forward to our first flag raising soon.
FSB Employees of the Month
FSB recently began recognizing our Employees of the Month as voted on by their fellow employees. October's Employee was Senior Teller, Kevin Tobar and November's is Account Services/ Wire Dept. Representative, Maria Vasquez. We are excited to recognize their hard work and dedication to customer service!
Pictured: Top picture- President and CEO, Chad D. Stary with Maria Vasquez. Middle picture- Maria Vasquez with Roxanne Hernandez, Retail Operations Manager/SVP and bottom picture- Maria Vasquez and Kevin Tobar
National Hospice Month
First State Bank of Uvalde and Lyfe Tyme BBQ Pits join with Uvalde Memorial Hospice to recognize National Hospice Month. Pictured are: (left to right) Marsha Mack, owner of Lyfe Tyme Pits; and UMH Hospice Foundation Board Members Judy Brown, treasurer; Trina Lee, secretary; and Tru Hiatt, president; and First State Bank President and CEO Chad Stary. Lyfe Tyme and First State Bank are helping sponsor a fundraiser for Hospice. Every donor who contributes $10 or more will be entered into a drawing for a Lyfe Tyme Pit. Two additional prizes of $100. each will be given as second and third place consolation prizes.
Pink Out 2020
First State Bank of Uvalde employees participated in a "Pink Out" to show their support of breast cancer awareness this October.
First State Bank participated in the annual Summer Fan Drive by donating box fans. Each year this drive provides fans to needy, elderly and others trying to endure the hot weather. Pictured are Frank Aguilar, Edie Collier, Laura Ramirez, and Chad Stary, bank president and CEO.
2020 Uvalde Youth Rodeo
10-year-old cowboy Coy McMane won the All Around Cowboy title in his age group and the First State Bank of Uvalde Saddle at the 57th Annual Summer Rodeo, presented by the Uvalde Youth Rodeo Club. He is pictured here with his horse “Bunny” and Shane Wernette, representing First State Bank.
We love Ranching and the ranch way of life. Give First State Bank of Uvalde the opportunity to show you why we understand you.
Business of the Month
First State Bank of Uvalde was chosen as the Business of the Month by the Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce. All the officers and staff are very proud of this selection. We love Uvalde and all the great things this community holds and offers. We believe fully in the words of Governor Briscoe and our corporate motto “The Best is yet to Come.”
Pictured from Left to Right: Hanna Case (Bank Product Specialist and member of the Chamber Leadership Uvalde Class of 2020), Laura Ramirez (Marketing Assistant), Chad D. Stary (President & CEO), Victoria Dühring (Chamber Executive Director)

Feed the Frontline
First State Bank of Uvalde donated our bottled water to Shotgun Crossfit’s ‘Feed The Frontline Uvalde’ last Friday. Over $3,200 was raised from community members to feed the 300 employees and medical staff of Uvalde Memorial Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

First State Bank of Uvalde is very grateful to all who are going above and beyond right now.

Spinach Field Day
First State Bank of Uvalde recently sponsored Texas A&M Agrilife's Spinach Field Day. Spinach farmers and researchers attended the event hosted by the Wintergarden Spinach Growers Association. First State Bank of Uvalde recently sponsored Texas A&M Agrilife's Spinach Field Day. Spinach farmers and researchers attended the event hosted by the Wintergarden Spinach Growers Association.
Special Visitors
We recently were honored to welcome the great grandson of former Vice President John Nance Garner. Governor Briscoe bought the controlling interest of First State Bank of Uvalde from the Garner family in 1960. Our bank is the only bank to have been owned by a Vice President and Governor.
Pictured from L to R: President & CEO Chad D. Stary, John Currie (Mr. Garner's great grandson), Ernesto Santos, Jr. and Senior Vice President Todd Redfearn.
50th Anniversary Celebration
First State Bank of Uvalde celebrated the 50th anniversary in our Nopal Street location this past Friday. Being charted in 1907, the bank continued to grow which moved them to the 69,000 sq. ft. “Most Unique Bank building” in 1969. FSBU was honored to host Texas Bankers Association, Representative Tracy O. King and Mayor Don McLaughlin among many other distinguished guests and members of the community for this exciting celebration in our Bank’s history. We look forward to the next 50 years of continuing Governor Dolph Briscoe’s legacy and our commitment to the future of our customers and community. Pictured from Left to Right: Chad D. Stary, First State Bank President and CEO, Chris Furlow, TBA President and CEO and Bill Dillard, First State Bank SVP
Knippa Financial Literacy
Mr. Bill Dillard has begun a 7 week Financial Literacy course with the graduating Seniors of Knippa High School in Mrs. Rebecca Brauchle's class. We are pleased to continue these important and informative courses with the surrounding areas.
Carrizo Springs Customer Appreciation
We recently continued our Customer Appreciation in Carrizo Springs. Thank you to everyone that attended. We appreciate you! We look forward to our next celebration in Uvalde to commemorate 50 years in our Main Bank building on East Nopal. Hope to see you there!
Ladies' Coffee
We recently continued our Ladies' Coffee tradition in our McNelly Community Room. We have enjoyed bringing back a tradition of the Governor and Mrs. Briscoe. The ladies enjoyed pastries from The Tea Room of Uvalde located on the Historic Square in Uvalde adjacent to the Janey Slaughter Briscoe Grand Opera House. We plan to continue with the next Ladies' Coffee in January and look forward to seeing the women of the community of Uvalde and the surrounding areas.
Camp Wood Customer Appreciation FSB recently celebrated Camp Wood Customer Appreciation Day! Thank you to everyone who was able to participate! Our next Customer Appreciation Day will be in Carrizo Springs. See ya'll there! We appreciate your business!
Concan Customer Appreciation
We continued our Customer Appreciation Days in Concan this past Friday. Thank you to everyone who came out to participate. We appreciate you! We look forward to our next event.

FSB Sponsors Holy Cross Festival in D'hanis
First State Bank of Uvalde was honored to sponsor the Holy Cross Festival in D'hanis this year.
First State Bank of Uvalde was recently featured in the YOLO TX episode highlighting all things Uvalde! We are honored to represent Uvalde and the Briscoe Legacy.
Leakey Customer Appreciation
We recently celebrated our customers in Leakey with another Customer Appreciation Day! Thank you for your business! |

Sahawe Indian Dancers
Members of the Sahawe Indian Dancers who will be attending the International Boy Scout Jamboree this month join First State Bank President and CEO Chad Stary and Bank Loan Officer Ramon Castro at the Bank. First State Bank donated to help defray the expenses of the trip. In addition to leading the Sahawe Indian Dancers, Ramon heads the Small Loans Department for First State Bank.
Supporting Area Law Enforcement
As an expression of our support for area Law Enforcement officers, First State Bank hosted Texas Department of Public Safety troopers to lunch in our McNelly Room. The troopers were using the room to conduct a district meeting and training session. This is the fourth time the DPS has scheduled such a meeting in the room. The Bank makes the McNelly Room available for law enforcement groups of various departments to use the facility free of charge.
Utopia Customer Appreciation Day
We recently recognized our customers at our Utopia Bank. Thank you for your business. We appreciate you!
Traveling Show, Yolo Texas, visits the Bank
We were honored to welcome travel show YOLO Texas to First State Bank of Uvalde. President and CEO Chad D. Stary interviewed with show host A.C. about the growth of Uvalde and the bank's unique legacy, art and architecture. The Uvalde episode is scheduled to air later this year.
FSB Presents Memorial Scholarships
President and CEO of First State Bank of Uvalde, Chad D. Stary and SWTJC President Hector Gonzales present scholarships to two Uvalde High School graduates. The John Nance Garner Memorial Scholarship was presented to Ariana Perez and the Tully Garner Memorial Scholarship was presented to Samantha Zamarippa for the 2019-2020 Fall semester. Pictured from Left to Right: Chad D. Stary, President and CEO of First State Bank, Samantha Zamarripa, Ariana Perez and Hector Gonzales, SWTJC President.
Sabinal Customer Appreciation Day
First State Bank of Uvalde - Sabinal Bank celebrated Customer Appreciation Day this past Friday. Thank you to everyone who stopped by. We appreciate you!
Pictured in first picture - Left to Right: Paul Cummings (Chief Operations Officer), Chad D. Stary (Chief Executive Officer), and Clemente Sotelo (Maintenance Supervisor).
Second and Third pictures - Vice President and Sabinal Branch Manager Sophie Campos visits with local customers.
Bottom picture: Sabinal Bank staff from Left to Right: Cindy Moore, Janay Oranday, Sophie Campos and Irene Ybarra

Field Day
Hanna Case of the FSB Marketing Department answers questions at the First State Bank booth at the Texas A&M University Agricultural Research Center in Uvalde AgriLife Field Day.
Annual Private School Career Fair
First State Bank Marketing Assistant Hanna Case gives good advice to students about making wise decisions with their money. The Bank offers Financial Literacy to students of all ages and adults also. |
Dia De
Los Ninos
The Dia De Los Ninos Celebration honors the children of Uvalde and surrounding areas. First State Bank was represented at this year's event as a sponsor and a presenter. The Bank marketing staff handed out red FSB frisbees and Financial Literacy materials to children and parents and offered tips and advice on money smart practices.
Pictured on the left is Hanna Case, FSB Marketing Department and on the right, Dia De Los Ninos committee member, Rebecca Cantu
Uvalde Go Blue Day
First State Bank employees Belinda Arreola, Hanna Case, and Kay Burns, are joined by “Go Blue Day” event director, Bonny Herndon and Justine Garcia, CASA’s newest certified child advocate. Every year First State Bank sponsors a booth for this special event, because it brings awareness of the tragedy of child abuse in our area. We believe no child should ever have to suffer physical and/or mental abuse.
FSB Featured on The Daytripper
"Chet heads to “Garner Country” to explore the legacy of US Vice President John Nance Garner. He eats some South Texas sweetbread gorditas and drives real WW2 army tanks." and he visits our historic bank within a museum.
Click here to view episode
FSB presents Annual Law Enforcement Scholarship
First State Bank of Uvalde presented the SWTJC Law Enforcement Academy the first of an annual scholarship to honor those fallen in the line of duty. The scholarship will serve the dual purpose of honoring the memory of area fallen officers and it will help certain members of future generations of young men and women who want to pursue a career in the noble profession of law enforcement.
Pictured from Left to Right: Daniel Rodriguez, Uvalde Police Department Chief Of Police; Charles Mendeke, Uvalde County Sheriff; Bill Dillard, Senior Vice President & Director of Legacy & Marketing; Chad D. Stary, President & CEO; Andy Davila, Jr. Middle Rio Grande Law Enforcement Academy Coordinator; Dr. Hector Gonzales, SWTJC President ; Texas Ranger Ryan Kindell

SWTJC Students Receive FSB Scholarships
Three area students received scholarships to Southwest Texas Junior College this year from First State Bank of Uvalde. They are Lyndon B. Diongzon and Marla Bas, both of Uvalde, and Devin Bohannan of Utopia. Combined, the students received over $5000 in scholarships. For the past fifty years, First State Bank has presented scholarships to area students wishing to attend our local Junior College. Pictured with this year’s recipients are: First State Bank CEO Chad Stary and College President Dr. Hector Gonzales.
FSB Receives Community Banking Award
First State Bank of Uvalde received the Bronze Eagle Award for Financial Literacy from the Independent Bankers Association of Texas, Best of Community Banking Awards. The project covered the bank's efforts in teaching good money management skills & the importance of saving to students and adults in the Southwest Texas area. Shown are Chad D. Stary, President and CEO of First State Bank of Uvalde & Chris Williston, President and CEO of IBAT

By Laura Nelson
Chanel Perez, a senior at Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College, received this year's scholarship from the First State Bank of Uvalde.
Pictured from left to right:
Dr. Veronica Mendez Maqueo, Dean of Sul Ross Rio Grande College, RGC student Chanel Perez, and Chad D. Stary, President and CEO of First State Bank of Uvalde
